About My Preaching and Teaching

I have an BA in Politics from Trent University and an MTS and DMin from Tyndale University. Since 2010 I have preached to a wide variety of audiences. I have also led workshops on missional theology, intercultural ministry (with a particular focus on Canadian First Nations people), Christian leadership, mentoring, and apologetics. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in exploring the possibility of me preaching or teaching in your context!

Noteworthy Messages

In Armour and in Chains (Taught for Pine Grove Bible Church on 2024.11.24)

A sermon on the relationship between political trends, idolatry, and Christianity.

Ephesians 5- In Armour and in Chains (Taught at Pine Grove Bible Church on 2024.11.24).mp4

One in the Spirit (Taught for Pine Grove Bible Church on 2022.11.06)

A sermon on what the first church council in Acts 15 can teach us about intercultural relations among Christians.

Acts 15- One in the Spirit (Fall 2022 at Pine Grove).mp4

Redeemer of the Nations (Taught for Curve Lake Christian Assembly on 2022.04.26)

A sermon which considers the various ways that Christians often think of culture and Christianity fitting together, based on Hebrews 1.

2020.04.26 Redeemer of the Nations.mp4

You Will Be My Witnesses (Taught for Curve Lake Christian Assembly on 2023.07.09)

A history lesson on some of the Christian documents that laid the foundation for colonialism, and why I believe the authors fundamentally misunderstood what it meant to be Jesus' witnesses.

2023-07-16 These Cannot Redeem a Person.mp4

The Sacrificial Lamb and the Lynched Messiah (Taught for Curve Lake Christian Assembly on 2024.03.29)

A sermon preached on Good Friday, which considers the relationship between Jesus' death and the suffering of racialized people today.

2024-03-29 The Sacrificial Lamb and the Lynched Messiah.mp4

The Mystery of Missional Election (Taught for Curve Lake Christian Assembly on 2022.09.04)

A sermon about what Paul taught the Gentile Christians about their relationship with the Jews, which resembles what's taking place within Western Christianity today.

2022.09.04 The Mystery of Missional Election.mp4

Onesimus: Repentant Sinner or Supported Slave? (Taught for Curve Lake Christian Assembly on 2024.08.25)

A sermon which uses the book of Philemon to illustrate how our racial biases can change how we interpret scripture.

2024.08.25- Onesimus: Repentant Sinner or Supported Slave.mp4

Witnesses in Exile (Taught for Auburn Bible Chapel on 2017.04.09)

A sermon on how the Western church's current circumstance resembles the Jews in exile, based on Daniel 1.

Daniel 1- Witnesses in Exile (Spring 2017 at Auburn).mp4

Build Homes and Live in Them (Taught for Auburn Bible Chapel on 2022.02.06)

A sermon that considers how we should respond to the social dislocation Western Christians feel at present, based on Jeremiah 29.

2022.02.06 Build Homes and Live In Them.mp4

In Spirit and in Truth (Taught for Curve Lake Christian Assembly on 2025.03.09)

A sermon that considers what the story of the Woman at the Well teaches us about checking our biases as Jesus' followers.

2025-03-09 In Spirit and in Truth.mp4

The Lost Art of Mentoring (Taught for Discovery Church on 2022.09.11)

A sermon which considers why and how to mentor young people within the church.

Remain In Me (Taught for Curve Lake Christian Assembly on 2022.07.24)

A sermon which considers the most important aspect of the church's witness, based on John 15.

2022.07.24 Remain in Me.mp4